A group of people posing for a photoDescription automatically generated with medium confidenceIn my mid-20’s, while trying to build my career in real estate, starting a family was not in my immediate plans. While in the middle of remodeling my newly purchased first home, two little girls needed a place to stay. I decided to open my home to them. I did not realize it at the time, I was starting a family.

I had done it!

I was 25 and just bought my first home! I knew there would be hard work ahead with a full remodel. I’d put in long, grueling hours at work for years, growing accustomed to working as many as three jobs at any given time. I did my best to live below my means and prioritize my savings while still managing to help my family out.

A picture containing personDescription automatically generatedWith my dad’s background in construction and building, he, my mom, and I poured blood, sweat and tears into the renovation. I was so grateful to my family for them helping me achieve one of my dreams.

When not even halfway through the renovation, I got a life-changing phone call from my mom. None of my relatives were able to care for a family member’s two young daughters. As she went into the devastating details, my heart was breaking for them. There it was. I could make a HUGE life change at a young age, or let the girls go into the system. I didn’t even feel ready to have a boyfriend, let alone feel ready to raise kids!

“Sure, I’ll take them in,” I replied thinking that it would be a temporary solution.

A picture containing person, olderDescription automatically generatedThis was much easier said than done, and despite the difficulty, I began to realize very soon that this was not going to be a temporary solution...because I didn't want it to be. Per the state, I needed my foster certification so that I could be their foster mother, but I want to be more than that too. I went on to adopt them and raise them myself.

Since then, I’ve had another daughter, Ryder. She was a miracle baby conceived after multiple miscarriages and being told I couldn’t have biological children.

A group of women posing for a pictureDescription automatically generated with medium confidenceMy girls changed my plans and my life in wonderful ways. Today, I work very closely with local women’s groups that network, empower each other, and give back in several ways to improve our community. I’m trying to be a great example for my daughters and teach them if they want it to go get it and make it happen.

Seeing what a house could do for me when it became a home filled with my beautiful girls, is one of the reasons I fell in love with Real Estate. I look forward to showing you what it can do for you and your family, too!

I came to Arizona when I was nine years old. I consider that to be when my life truly began. Growing up, I had a rare medical condition, and the climate and activities that the community provided did wonders for my health and well-being. Eventually, I was just as healthy as any other girl my age. For that and so many other reasons, I love it here.

I adored real estate as soon as I got into it. I love guiding my clients and delivering satisfaction. I think the number of buyers and sellers that are repeats and referrals speaks volumes about my service.

What I love the most about my career is the opportunity to build meaningful and lasting relationships. These are lifelong connections with people who have become friends, some even close friends. Helping them realize their dreams is… I just love it. I can hardly wait to do the same for you!

With gratitude,


Temple Blackburn